
A new digital positioning, strategy, and visual identity for the world's fastest-growing company in time management solutions.

Timemoto groot

TimeMoto is a leading company specialising in advanced time registration solutions. They offer innovative hardware and software that allow organisations to efficiently track, manage, and optimise their employees' working hours. TimeMoto's technologies assist businesses in saving costs, enhancing the accuracy of time registration, and increasing productivity.

TimeMoto full screen

A New Identity

TimeMoto was in search of a partner to create its own identity, digital strategy, and to develop a modern e‑commerce platform. This was to provide customers with the ability to explore TimeMoto's products, place orders, and access the cloud platform for personnel and time management.

TimeMoto tablet

A Personal Story

The visual identity of TimeMoto has been created. To symbolise a sense of continuity and the eternity of time, brand patterns were created. A brand pattern is a visual element deliberately designed to strengthen and anchor the brand's visual identity. These patterns, inspired by the hour markings of analog clocks, were applied across various aspects of the brand, from digital applications to packaging and campaigns.

We brought the brand to life on the new website. Using a headless architecture based on the Bigcommerce platform and the Storyblok content management system, we created a future‑proof and user‑friendly product, enabling the organisation to easily roll out new storefronts in new countries without affecting the underlying systems. Aiming for growth without complications.


"The choice of a headless solution provides us with a lot of flexibility, both now and in the future."

Judith Brugman (TimeMoto), International Head of Marketing bij TimeMoto

The Results

In the end, everything revolves around the new visual identity and the platform. TimeMoto positions itself as the most design‑ and product‑focused company in the industry, elevating the company and its products to a higher level by forging an emotional connection with customers, rather than just being functional. This creates a strong sense of brand preference.


"We created a brand positioning that strikes a balance between serenity, warmth, and technical perfection, all based on the concept of time. This forms the core of TimeMoto's new brand positioning: 'Time for Clarity.' We then brought it to life in every aspect of the brand, replacing restlessness and complexity with structure and transparency."

Rory de Graaf, Managing Partner

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